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South African Distribution Registration No: 9248


We focus on providing our customers with a turn-key solution, may it be from the manufacturers / distilleries into distribution centers / Ho.Re.Ca / wholesale to retail.

We are your partner by moving your product into the world and establishing the right demand for the consumers' enjoyment.  

As a distribution company we are open for new and innovative ideas beyond our current ventures in vodka, gin, wine and mixers. 


Vodka has traditionally been made by processing equal amounts of alcohol and water with some trace additives to soften the taste and then filtering the alcohol water mixture through carbon. The word vodka is a diminutive form of the Russian word for water. It was coined in the late 19th century by the famous Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, who formulated the Periodic Law, classifying elements according to their atomic numbers. Before that time vodka was simply known as “grain wine." 

Vodka is the basis of most cocktails on the planet. What makes Russian Vodka unique is due to it's distinctive flavor and smoothness in taste. 


Gin is not a revolution, it’s a renaissance. If you go back 100 years in England and therefor South Africa (English colonized South Africa in 1795). Back then Gin was massive with hundreds of distilleries. It's prohibition that brought production down to only a few distilleries. So now its coming back to what it used to be. What we need to bear in mind is that almost all cocktails on the planet uses Gin as a base. That is why Gin will be around forever.


The establishment by the Dutch East India Company of a refreshment station at the Cape in 1652 had one single aim: to provide fresh food to the company's merchant fleet on their voyages to India and surrounding areas. But much more evolved than that - the establishment of a trading station led to a flourishing wine industry and later to the birth of a nation.

Liquor Distribution: Projects
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